Weekly News North Klein

Membership Class

Ready to take the next step? Come to Membership Class to learn about our history, why we exist, our ministries and how you can become part of our church family.

Sunday, March 2 | 9:30-10:30am North Klein 206 Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@cfbc.org
The Parenting Experience

Join us for a roundtable discussion with Stuart Hall, author, pastor, and next-gen leader! $20 includes dinner and March Madness fun for kids.

Friday, March 7 | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm | $20 per parent Champions Campus - FLC WC Contact: Adult Ministry - 281-885-6705 | iescobedo@championforest.org
Camp 25 | In the Ozarks

Completed 6th-12th grade students are going to Camp Eagle Sky of the Ozarks in Piedmont, Missouri! It will be an unforgettable week for students to Encounter Jesus!

July 7-11, 2025 1 Eagle Sky Drive, Piedmont, MO 63957 Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
Cooking With Wisdom (Monthly) | NK Women ages "20-40" Something

Sweet night learning how to cook a great dish and hearing from the chef what she would tell her 20-40 something year old self if she could go back in time.

Saturday, February 22, 5:00-7:00pm Chef's home Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org
Grill’n With Grit (Monthly) | NK Men ages "20-40" Something

Guys between ages of 20-45, meet monthly at a member’s home, learn favorite grilling techniques and how the Griller is choosing to pursue Christ in everyday life.

Sunday, February 23 5:00-7:00pm Griller's home Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org
JOLT | Jesus, Our Living Truth

JOLT is our new midweek for kids! This team focused program is a fun way for kids to learn "Bible basics" and grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Wednesdays | 6:30-8pm (Beginning 1/12) North Klein Contact: osimpson@championforest.org
Re|Engage | Spring 2025

Invest in your marriage! Marriages in any condition can benefit. Preschool/Kids/Student activities for Babies through 12th grade.

Classes Wednesdays, beginning February 12 | 6:30pm-8:15pm North Klein 208 Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org

Merge | Spring 2025

A 9-week class for seriously dating and engaged couples. Each week we cover a different topic.

Tuesdays, beginning February 4, 6:30pm - 8:00pm North Klein 103 Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@cfbc.org

Vacation Bible School

Save the date for the best week of the year! Be in prayer where you will serve this summer to help change the lives of children.

June 9-12 | 9am-Noon North Klein Contact: bchristoph@championforest.org
Precept Bible Study - Hebrews 5 - 10

Explore what the Bible says about the relationships between God, Jesus, the angels, and humanity.

Wednesdays, beginning February 5 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm North Klein 205/206 Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org

Financial Peace University

In this fun and engaging course, you'll learn how to manage your resources, spend and save wisely, get rid of debt, and so much more.

Wednesdays, beginning February 5 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm North Klein 214 Contact: Debbie Edgar: dedgar@championforest.org
The Grove

Each week, young adults from all over Northwest Houston gather to find community and grow in faith. The Grove is open to ALL young adults, come join us!

Tuesdays, at 7:30pm Champions Campus Student Building Contact: Young Adults Ministry 281-440-3800
Houston Middle School Mission Trip

6th-8th-grade students will serve the surrounding community in the Houston area and stay overnight in the Student Building.

April 4-6, 2025 Houston, Texas Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
England High School Mission Trip

Students who completed 11th and 12th grade will partner with UK/USA Ministries to work alongside local schools and share the gospel.

June 13-21, 2025 Middlesbrough, England, United Kingdom Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
Miami High School Mission Trip

Students who have completed 9th-12th grade will work alongside one of our church plants in Miami to serve the community and neighboring areas.

June 14-19, 2025 Miami, Florida Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org


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Sunday, February 9, 2025


Received This Week
Ministry Budget: $ 334,230.83
Debt Retirement: $ 20.00
Missions Offering: $ 19,844.19
*Year To Date - Budget Giving
$ 9,138,034.60
*Year to Date - Budget Anticipated
$ 7,114,158.00
$ 2,023,876.60

Give Online at championforest.org/give
Note: All gifts subject to the gift acceptance policy.